1. accept [ə'ksept]
v. 接受;承认;承担;承兑;容纳
The Council will meet to decide if it should accept his resignation. 委员会将开会来决定是否应该接受他的辞呈。
2. lure [l(j)ʊə]
n. 诱惑;饵;诱惑物vt. 诱惑;引诱
They did not realize that they were being lured into a trap. 他们没有意识到正被人骗入圈套。
3. marine [mə'riːn]
adj. 船舶的;海生的;海产的;航海的,海运的n. 海运业;海军;水兵;
A small number of Marines were wounded. 几名海军陆战队士兵受了伤。
4. norm [nɔːm]
n. 标准,规范
Criminal behaviour seem to be the norm in this neighbourhood. 犯罪行为似乎是这一带的正常现象。
5. privacy ['prɪvəsɪ]
n. 隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处
He resented the publication of this book, which he saw as an embarrassing invasion of his privacy. 他憎恨这本书的出版,它将此看作是对其隐私的令人难堪的侵犯。
6. illustrate ['ɪləstreɪt]
v. 阐明,举例说明;图解
The example of the United States illustrates this point. 美国的例子表明了这一点。
7. pursue [pə'sjuː]
v. 继续;从事;追赶;纠缠
Why should we even have to decide whether to pursue truth? 为什么我们还要决定是否去追求真相呢?
8. insist [ɪn'sɪst]
v. 坚持,强调
My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight. 我家人坚持认为我不应该屈服,而应该留下来斗争。
9. persist [pə'sɪst]
He persisted in denying his knowledge of the matter. 他始终否认知道这事。
10. persevere [pɜːsɪ'vɪə]
vi. 坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见
If you persevere with the work, you'll succeed in the end. 你如果把工作坚持下去,最终会取得成功的。