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来源:金色未来教育 作者:原创 添加时间:2016/12/27 15:17:19

1. concede [kən'siːd] 
v. 承认;退让;给予,容许
Poland's Communist government conceded the right to establish independent trade unions. 波兰共产党政府给予了建立独立工会的权力。

2. imitate  ['ɪmɪteɪt]  
vt. 模仿,仿效;仿造,仿制
Children always imitate the example of adults. 孩子总是效仿成年人。

3. miserable ['mɪz(ə)rəb(ə)l] 
adj. 悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的
The miserable scene was revived in my mind.  在我的脑海里又回忆起那幅悲惨的景象。

4. preach [priːtʃ]  
v. 说教;讲道;鼓吹;传道;反复灌输n. 说教
He said he was trying to preach peace and tolerance to his people. 他说他正试图向他的人民宣扬和平与宽容。

5. symbolize ['sɪmbəlaɪz]  
v. 象征;用符号表现
Olive branch symbolizes peace. 橄榄枝象征着和平。

6. aspire [ə'spaɪə] 
vi. 渴望;立志;追求
He aspired to become a lawyer. 他渴望成为一名律师。

7. betray [bɪ'treɪ] 
vt. 背叛;出卖;泄露(秘密);露出…迹象
The party was betrayed to the government by one of its own members. 该党被其一名党员出卖给政府了。

8. comfort ['kʌmfət]  
n. 安慰;舒适;安慰者vt. 安慰;使(痛苦等)缓和
She comforted her husband by putting his feet in a tub of hot water. 她把丈夫的两只脚放在一桶热水中使他舒服一些。

9. deduce [dɪ'djuːs]  
vt. 推论,推断;演绎出
From the evidence the detective deduced that the servant had done it. 根据证据侦探推断是佣人所为。

10. induce [ɪn'djuːs]  
vt. 诱导;引起;引诱;感应
People are always induced by advertisements to buy things they don't really need. 人们总是受广告的引诱,买一些自己并不真正需要的东西。

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