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来源:金色未来教育 作者:原创 添加时间:2017/3/15 9:32:08

1. admire [əd'maɪə] 
v. 钦佩,赞美
I admired him for his determination. 我很佩服他的决心。

2. esteem [ɪ'stiːm] 
vt. 尊敬,认为 n. 尊重
Her work is highly esteemed by all her colleagues. 她的工作得到了所有同事的尊重。
self-esteem 自尊

3. adore [ə'dɔː] 
v. 崇拜,爱慕,极喜爱
I have one son and I adore him. 我有一个儿子,我非常爱他。
adorable adj. 可爱的,可敬重的

4. worship ['wɝʃɪp] 
As a child, I worshipped my older brother. 作为小孩,我特别崇拜我的哥哥。

5. overlook [əʊvə'lʊk] 
v. 俯瞰,忽略,忽视
Only a parent could overlook that kind of behavior. 只有父母才会无视这种行为。

6. ignore [ɪg'nɔː] 
vt. 忽视,不理睬 
They cannot ignore the problem of the shrinking population any longer. 他们不能再忽视人口缩减这个问题了。
ignorant adj. 无知的,愚昧的

7. neglect [nɪ'glekt] 
v. 疏忽,忽视
The public neglected his genius for many years. 多年来大家都忽视了他的天赋。

8. regard [rɪ'gɑːd] 
He was regarded as one of the greatest writers in the 20th century. 他被认为是20世纪最伟大的作家之一。
regardless of 不管,不论
Table tennis is a sport suitable for all, regardless of age and gender. 乒乓球这项运动不论男女老幼都适合。

9. deem [diːm] 
v. 认为,视作
I deem it advisable to buy a house now. 我认为现在买房子是明智的。

10. consider [kən'sɪdə] 
v. 考虑,认为
You should consider what to do next. 你要考虑下接下来做什么。
We consider our customers to be our friends. 我们视顾客为朋友。
considerate adj.体贴的,考虑周到的 
considerable adj. 相当大的

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