1. threaten ['θret(ə)n]
v. 威胁,恐吓 threat n.
They threatened to kill him unless he did as they asked. 他们威胁说如果不按他们说的做就要杀了他。
2. endanger [ɪn'deɪn(d)ʒə]
vt. 危及,使遭到危险
He would never do anything to endanger the lives of his children. 他永远不会做出任何危及孩子生命的事情。
endangered species 濒危物种
3. crisis ['kraɪsɪs]
n. 危机
economic crisis 经济危机
4. risk [rɪsk]
v./ n. 冒险 ,风险
The skipper was not willing to risk taking his ship through the straits until he could see where he was going. 这位船长不愿意冒险在看不见方向之前将船开过海峡。
at risk 处于危险中
5. stake [steɪk]
n. 棍子,火刑,赌注
at stake 处于危险中,危如累卵
6. hazard ['hæzəd]
n. 危险,冒险 hazardous adj. 有危险的
moral hazard 道德风险
fire hazard 火灾隐患
7. venture ['ventʃə]
vt. 敢于 vi. 冒险,投机 n. 企业,风险
He wanted to venture into the mountainous wilderness of the countryside. 他想冒险进入农村的荒野山区。
venture capital 风险投资
8. adventure [əd'ventʃə]
n. 冒险
adventure activities冒险活动